Self-Discovery Questionnaire


This book is not just a book, it is a workbook, a manual for living a fulfilled life. The self-discovery questionnaire contains sets of questions cutting across all aspects of life that will task your brain and launch you into deep thinking to discover who you really are. Studying the questions in this book would enable you to examine yourself, that is, where you were before now, where you are now and where you would be. At the same point, while examining yourself through the questions, you could get stocked by your inability to respond and proffer prompt and precise answers but don’t be hard on yourself, just be patient with yourself. You can read through over and over again to enable the answers to flow from within.
According to Soren Kierkegaard, a great Danish philosopher and religious thinker once wrote “it is the sign of a good book when the book reads you. Self-discovery questionnaire would thoroughly read your past, analyses your present, and forecast your future.

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