GAMBLING: My Ordeal And Past Experience
Are you aware that Gambling is not a handiwork, not a talent, not a skill, Gambling is a fake potential and Gambling is not for a Christian?
Are you or a loved one battling with a gambling problem? Are you ready to learn how you can get back up when life knocks you down completely due to gambling addiction? Have you really encountered difficulty in overcoming the urge to gamble?
Discover the causes, warning signs and symptoms and learn how to stop. Gambling is one of the ploys of the wicked one to entangle end-time youth with quick money syndrome.
This book presents a concise, yet detailed summary of the major lessons I’ve learned over the last few years fighting and conquering the spirit behind gambling menace.
It’s a journey that started since the year 2014 when I was in college at Mahatma Gandhi University, India.
It is on record that nearly four in ten Nigerians (36%) gamble regularly, with up to 60 million Nigerians between the ages of 18 and 40 involved in daily sports betting, and they spend an average of 3,000 Naira every day on betting platforms. The current size of the market is estimated to be $60 million. It is also on record that approximately 10 million people in the U.S. have a gambling problem, so you are not alone.
It’s important to understand your motive for gambling and avoid gambling temptations and triggers.
The main reason why most people like to gamble is to make quick and easy money. Gambling by nature appeals to greed, and greed doesn’t please God. Jesus condemned greed and mentioned it in lists of some very “ugly” sin (Mark 7:21-23).
The Bible warns us that greed is destructive to our Christian lives (Ephesians 5:3). Note that money itself isn’t evil, but being overeager to get a lot of it is dangerous. The desires that want to get more of what this world has to offer are actually the kinds of desires we’re following when we choose to gamble. Remember, worldliness and Godliness is in enmity. How would you respond to someone who argues they only do a little gambling (e.g.., Bet9ja or other sports betting) for fun, and they don’t care if they win?
Gambling in any form is highly addictive; for greed has the potential to master us and also to change our priorities from God to self.
The whole point of Gambling is winning. It is dangerous to even get a little involved in an activity that can lead to greed, debt, stealing, lying, and even spiritual ruin.
● A better understanding of how to deal with the temptation and overpowering the urge associated with gambling.
● Practical steps on how to stop gambling.
● The ability to develop a positive lifestyle as alternative to gambling
● Knowledge of the dangers of gambling as a lifestyle of the 21st century youth, the root causes and symptoms, consequences and how to discontinue.
I promise that if you follow the step-by-step guidelines stipulated in this book, you will experience a significant improvement in your battle against gambling problem. I am certain of your quick recovery because the approach will surely work for you whether you’re a national or foreigner, teenager, youth or adult, male or female gambler.
This book is highly recommended for all especially anyone that have not been involved in gambling before but have the intentions to start gambling someday. “Show me a gambler and I will show you a loser”.
It is useful to all individual. Read & Share! Knowledge Liberates!